A sad sight

It was hard to leave Frailles, we were having so much fun-but our next anchorage was around the bend and properly in the Sea of Cortez-so we readied to weigh anchor. Frailles was full of boats -eight at anchor when we left! All of them from Mazatlan and looking to rest up before the jump across the Pacific to the Marquesas. The SSB nets were full of cruisers checking in as they headed out across the big puddle. The moon was nearly full and the weather was fantastic- we thought about our friends from Beau Soleile and hoped they were were having fair winds on their journey.
We said goodbye to the Fur seals one last time.  One of them was not as playful as the others and we noticed his neck was badly infected by fishing twine that had become so entangled it cut deeply into his flesh. He had a large wound and was clearly dying- his eyes were flat and dull and he swam lethargically around in circles, unable to climb the rock and join his family. We could only hope there was a shark lurking nearby, ready to put him out of his misery. It was a good reminder to always be careful not to lose any line if you can help it. It will disintegrate in five weeks from the sun but lasts forever underwater and causes so much damage to the sea life. We hoped he would't suffer too much longer, poor guy.
Try not to lose your lines!

rocks at the point

mutinous crew


  1. Alas, the only animal species that likes us at all are dogs and we made them!

  2. Hunter! you are so funny!
    are those underwear on your head?!
    love Rhiannon

  3. am i bad person if i say nothing about the poor seal and just say grrrrrl your body is SLAMMIN'!!!
