Day 4
24 hours-75 nautical miles

The wind died completely. The seas, however came in a brutish, rolling slop from all directions. We dropped the sails and waited, clutching onto whatever we could, as the boat tossed from rail to rail. The noise was unbelievable. Fresh pears, stowed improperly  in a bowl (naive, optimism), were literally pulverized into mush.

You can simulate what our experience was like. All you will need to do this is:
1 bathtub
1 Rubber Ducky.
2 hyper-active toddlers.

Follow these simple steps:

Fill bathtub.
Place a Toddler (screaming or laughing-either will do) at each end of the tub.
Put Rubber Ducky in the center of the tub.
Whatever Rubber Ducky is doing, is what WE were doing yesterday-for ten hours.

When Insanity reared it's over-tired head, Jon decried (to our collective joy) that we should turn the engine on for one hour and motor South out of the vortex.
Hunter tore off half her clothes and stood on deck yowling to the wind Gods to find favor with us again.
It worked.
11 miles further South we found the wind.

Up went the sails and we clipped on, close-hauled, at a respectable 5.5 knots for the rest of the night.

Out here in the big yonder, one is free to call on any personal deity that might fit the bill.

They say there are no atheists in foxholes and I believe there are no agnostics ferrying children over the seas in a small boat.

I like to place my bets with my angels.

Sometimes, I ask my dad to look in.
In the event that he is still waiting in line at those pearly gates for the final judgment..I'm hoping I can sway the jury. He was always a good dad at sea.

I also talk to Jerry Garcia, quite a bit. I don't know what he ever had to do with the ocean, but I figure anyone who dedicated a life to making such a great party on Earth for forty years, must have some pull. When things get gnarly out here, i put on a little bluegrass and let him sing down the seas. This morning, as I watched the sunrise, the clouds were Easter-Bunny pink and the Sea looked like electric Kool-aid. I can't help thinking, Ol' Uncle Jerry was up there, helping someone paint this canvas just for me...
And the message in the sky, was to keep on Truckin'.

Kai's ocean trivia:
Plastic waste kills up to 1 million sea birds, 100,000 sea mammals and countless fish each year. Plastic remains in our ecosystem for years, harming thousands of sea creatures everyday.

Hunter's hints to help our seas:
I want to give you some tips of what you can do in every day life to help our seas..
and while your walking, you can think about our Ocean!


  1. Life has been transforming this planet since the very first Archaean fart. It's an inevitability .... BUT THE PLASTIC HAS GOT TO GO!!!!!!! I'm sure we all have miscroscopic traces of it in every cell in our bodies. I hope your days of being rubber duckies in the roiling slop will be few. Bravo, Hunter, for talking turkey with the wind gods.

  2. Hey, babes, Jerry is alive and well and living hairless in the Shuswap! To hell with that Hyper-Meddler Homo Saps! They got to learn to terra-form and custode BIG TIME or they're gonna be up to their necks in their own shit. But don't forget your boat was once something else, too! Stay cool.

  3. Dearest Pura Vida husband Sean and I and our children Maura (4 years) and Kellan (3 months) will be following your adventure as you cross the beautiful Pacific Ocean. I've read every post on your blog and just finished reading Day 1 thru 4 to Sean as he lays on the couch with our sleeping baby on his chest... and I have to hold back the tears. We are the previous "parents" of Pura Vida. We sold her to you guys in 2009 after we had Maura and living the boat life became a little impractical with an infant:) You guys are in such good hands (and vice versa it seems)!! She was so loved when we had her and it is with gratitude that we see her doing what she was meant to do. I just looked at Sean and said with tears in my eyes..."She's doin' it". We are so happy for you and her. Suki, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for (literally) sharing your ups and downs on Pura Vida with us and allowing us a glimpse of what we dream to do some day with our own children. All the best to you, we will be following in anticipation every day:) Give Pura Vida a big hug from us.

  4. Sp LOVE that the previous Pur Vida parents have connected with you. Fantastic. The blog is great Keep em coming.xoxoMom/GrammaSara
